Friday, February 1, 2008

Fresh start

So, I'm starting to blog again. I think I had 3 people reading it before, and haven't posted in 5 months. I guess I stopped because I was at a point of thinking that nobody cares what anybody says about music, because listening is such a personal thing.

This time around, it's just going to be an everything blog, though I'm sure you'll still get bitchy music rants pretty often.

So, life....

I've come to realize one crucial thing about dating; I hate the feeling of being in a position of superiority to whoever I'm seeing, in any way. Ideally, I want someone who knows more music, movies, philosophy, world history, fucking anything that will at least put me in a position of not knowing. I can't continue seeing these women in which I constantly feel like I need to teach them everything.

For example, I was watching a hockey game with a girl the other night, and I dumbed myself down to the point that I made the remark "I wish I had a cool name like Bates Battaglia". I'm sure there are dumber things that I could've said, but seriously, that's not me.

And I'm not saying that I need to constantly talk about existentialism, or poetry, or David Lynch films, or anything really. I just want a woman where these topics, and similar topics, are options for conversation.

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