Monday, May 12, 2008

Catching Up

Hey, internet! It's been a while since I rapped at ya.

So, my job has gone almost entirely to shit. Essentially, I'm being harassed for stupid, insignificant things, and constantly threatened that I may soon be fired. Oh well. It's not as though landscaping jobs are hard to come by in this city. However, my new plan is to wait another week or so until my benefits kick in, use them for all they're worth (I NEED contacts... and a year supply of anti-stomach-hurty pills that I've taken forever now would be nice too, given that they're damn expensive...) So yeah, once I reap the benefits of having, uh, benefits, then I'll decide if the shitty atmosphere is worth the extra $1 or $2 an hour over what I'd earn elsewhere.

Other news, Iron Man is awesome. Like, holy fuck. For true.

I might be getting a new apartment around Main and Broadway, which is awesome. My goal was to get a place anywhere within a $10 or so cab ride from downtown Vancouver, and this would definitely accomplish that. There comes a point where you simply can't live with your parents anymore, as cool as your parents may be. I think that point for me is 25 years.

Tons of good music, books, movies that I could talk to you about. But you're the internet, I'm sure you've kept up with all the message boards. (This is a not-so-subtle allusion to the fact that nobody reads my blog, I don't think, since I've only told a handful of people about it, and I never write in it... but it's just subtle enough that you might not get it. Whoever you are.)