Friday, March 21, 2008

Top 5 movies to watch when you're drunk

I could talk about real things, like how I fell asleep on the night bus, and woke up in Surrey without my ipod, and had to pay $40 for a cab ride home...

But I figured I'd do something less depressing.

1) Robocop

Something about watching Robocop kill junkies and rapists really appeals to me when I'm drunk.

2) Repo Man

I think I like it because they eat out of things labeled "food", and drink out of cans labeled "drink".

3) The Thing

Not sure why the hell this is a good drinking movie. It's kind of slow, and it's got no real cheese-factor, like most of my other favourite drinking movies. Maybe it's the whole interrogation scene that does it for me, when the one guy's head rips off, and starts creeping around the room. I have a special loathing of authority when I'm drunk (unless that authority is Robocop).

4) Commando, or anything with Steven Seagal

Commando is just amazing, in every way. Arnold just rips things a lot, like sheet metal, and chain link fences, with his bare hands. He also has a knife gun, and one gun-smashing-face sound effect that's used about 80 times in the film. Oh, and the bad guy is a fat British dude wearing chain mail. Holy fuck. I can't even talk about Steven Seagal now.

I also can't think of an appropriate 5th movie for the list. So why mess with a good thing?

Completely unrelated, but I really fucking hope I get my ipod back.

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