Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ministry's last show, and my $1000 mistake

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote, and a lot has happened.

First, I went to see Ministry's final show. Despite the fact that they only played 3 songs written before 1998, it was really good. I also caught a guitar pick at the very end of the show, so that makes for a nice little souvenir.

Aside from that, the theme of the night was karma, and how ignoring karma can really fuck you over.

If you read a few posts before Ministry, I say that I lost my ipod. Well, I got my ipod back, and I had it for about 8 hours. Fate swept it away again, when I left my backpack under a table at the bourbon, along with my digital camera. So, replacing my camera, ipod, headphones, and backpack is probably going to set me back about $1000.

But the good thing is that I've come to see that I needed something like that to happen if I was ever going to be smart about what I do with my stuff when I'm drinking.

Trying to stay positive. I get to read on the bus now.


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